The 9 AMP Study videos done by New Canoe have not yet been released to the public.
AMP Study Videos
The international AMP studies got underway in April 2016 when the Vanderbilt HIV program became the first of 47 sites on four continents to enroll a volunteer participant. The studies now underway in sub-Saharan Africa, North America, South America, and Europe are potentially landmark studies. If broadly neutralizing antibodies can prevent HIV infection, then a whole set of scientific breakthroughs could follow.
Besides the scientific potential, one of the other milestones of the AMP Studies is the concept of giving IV infusions to such a large, diverse group of people for such a long period: 4,200 volunteers at 39 sites in 10 countries will receive a total of 42,000 infusions and be tracked for almost two years.For the staff who are involved in the studies and the volunteers who participate, this is a unique experience both in altruism and in endurance.
Because this kind of study has never been done before, the HVTN commissioned video crews from the US and South Africa to capture some of the stories, in personal terms, of the people directly involved in the trial — educators, recruiters, nurses and clinicians, physician investigators, and most of all those who volunteer as study participants.
While every story is different, we believe that each also captures the universal dedication, professionalism and heart we see network-wide.